Sideline Living

Sideline Living

What’s on your bucket list?

Do you even have one? If I took the time to write out all of the amazing adventures I would want to go on, meeting BIG MOMMA wouldn’t be on that list! She is a gigantic, living, breathing sting ray!  I’m more of a cat person than sea life person! (Unless it’s a dolphin.)

We met Big Momma earlier this year in the Bahamas. Pre-COVID, of course, when I clearly took even the thought of a cruise for granted.  Big Momma is the star at the sting ray encounter at Blue Lagoon in the Bahamas.

My daughters, husband, and I had the opportunity to feed and hold Big Momma. I was terrified! At one point, I declined participating and decided to just watch on the sidelines.

The sweet, Bahamian woman leading the excursion could see the fear all over my face! She was so kind to explain how safe we were. You could tell she had been working there for quite some time and has eased the fears of other newbies a gazillion times.   A few “Come on, mom, you can do this!”  from my family, and I was in the freeeeezing water!

Big Momma was heavy, smooth, huge, and was as sweet as can be! It was terror mixed in with the freedom of not letting fear stop me from experiencing something new! We snorkeled and swam with Big Momma in the beautiful water and it ended up being one of my favorite days of 2020 so far!

Fear has stopped me too many times from experiencing something new or even dreaming about it! 

I’ve realized lately I have many desired adventures in my heart. The moment I entertain the thought, fear puts me back on the sideline.  

What is your big momma? What is the thing you are afraid of even thinking about doing? Moving, going back to school, a new career path, adoption, writing a book (definitely on my list)?

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1:7

God may be putting dreams and experiences in your heart and mine that require us to trust Him. Ones that require us to take the time to pray and ask for his wisdom and leading. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Even in this crazy and busy time, I’m making a bucket list. I’m gonna start dreaming and praying even more. I hope that you will join me! I would love to hear what God is stirring in your heart. Feel free to comment or reach out to me personally.

I’m gonna go ahead and check off  “Holding a humongous sting ray!” ✅ 

If I can do that, the sky is the limit for you! 

*It’s been a crazy year! As I continue to pray for my own community, I’m also praying for places like Blue Lagoon that rely on visitors to survive. I hope to see you soon Big Momma! 

6 thoughts on “Sideline Living

  1. I have so many fears..but I TRY to put them in Gods hands!The one I can’t seem to get over is flying.I have done it a few times ..but I am deathly afraid if it!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing that beautiful and encouraging experience Tyler! I love that you also pray for us, may I ask for a special prayer for my husband George who is Fighting the good fight🙏🙏🙏💖 suddenly, my bucket list is very short, Live and Love each moment as if it were your last. God Bless you and your beautiful family!

  3. Thank you for sharing your heart in this timely message. I’ve been struggling with fear about a big decision and this was just what my soul needed. God bless you!

  4. Loved this post, Tyler! And the pics of the family. “I am gonna start dreaming and praying again” was a perfect message for this strange season we are in when so many things are trying to make us fearful, when all we have to do is lean in and trust Jesus.

  5. Good morning!
    Thank you for thinking of me. I enjoy very much reading your messages.
    I also have a bucket list. But it will be a while for me to accomplish them. I take care of mom full time and help my sister. It is very rewarding but I do get tired.
    Please keep me in your prayers.
    María from Puerto Rico

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