Amazing Grace
Excuse me, what time is it?
How many of us look at our phones to get the time or our step trackers around our wrists? Old school clocks are becoming more and more of a dinosaur these days. But there is something nostalgic about clocks. I actually smile when I see a business that still has a good ol’ two-handed clock on the wall.
When I stay at my husband’s grandparents house, I am in clock heaven. They have one in almost every room. Huge Grandfather clocks to small little wooden clocks. You can hear them coo coo and chime in all their glory every hour.
My favorite is a clock in the kitchen. Every hour on the hour, it plays the tune of the song Amazing Grace. Every hour. I could be in the middle of a card game or a delicious meal, but when the song starts, I always stop. It’s pleasantly familiar. I’m instantly reminded of God’s presence. His Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. Undeserving, unmerited favor. Yet, I forget. I forget that he forgives. I forget that I don’t need to be perfect. I forget how he pulled me through the last mess and the many others before.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Yes! His grace is sufficient for me. And for you. His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. I have many. I struggle with giving myself grace. No one is harder on me than yours truly. I also find myself at times holding back from extending grace to others. As if they need to earn it. That’s the bitter beauty about grace. It’s not something to be earned. It’s a gift.
When we can be reminded of the grace that God has given to us and pour that on to ourselves and others we get to experience the best part…freedom. Freedom in Christ without guilt, condemnation, and judgement.
His grace is beyond amazing and I need to be reminded often. Maybe Nana and Pop had it right, every hour on the hour is a good time.
God, thank you for the undeserved gift of your grace. I will boast in my weaknesses and lean into your power. Rest is possible when we surrender our mess to you. Allow us to give ourselves grace and lavish others with the beautifully gift. For your glory and with your strength alone. In Jesus name. Amen.
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5 thoughts on “Amazing Grace”
Beautiful blog. Thank u . Always brightens my week
Love you!!⚓️
Wow Loved this One What a Great reminder that God Gives us Grace all the time & we need to do the same . & what a COOL Clock you husbands Grandparents have Thanks for sharing , In Christ Love , Sue
I may try to find one for my house! ⚓️
My mom has this same exact clock. Unfortunately, it fell off the wall and broke. She has continued to keep it on the wall although the song and time stopped working over a year ago. Any suggestions of where to find this clock?