Road Rage
Is it road rage if the other person doesn’t know how mad you are?
I don’t consider myself an angry person. But for some reason, with just enough stress in a day and then a stranger cutting me off in traffic…I can lose my ever-loving mind.
Alone in my car, I have choice words directed at other drivers. Words they will never hear but words that make me feel justified and right…complete with an I-told-them attitude. Maybe you have done the same. Please tell me, I’m not alone.
My daughter witnessed this from the backseat one day and asked me, “Mommy, why are you so angry and frustrated with that stranger?”
Hearing her little voice ask me a question my heart needed to answer, got my attention. Recognizing I’ve allowed myself to get so fired up about someone cutting me off in traffic or fill in the blank, was actually sad. It’s the opposite of who I want to be.
Ecclesiastes 7:9 says
Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit,
for anger resides in the lap of fools.
Ecclesiastes 7:9
It’s tempting to lose our cool over the little things. Maybe like me, it’s what comes naturally for you. How are we to handle the really big offenses in life when we are conditioned to be so quick to get angry at the small stuff?
There is a better way for both of us!
God, would you show us those areas that need adjusting in our lives? The reactions we have, that feel so normal, may in fact be unhealthy. Would you replace those quick tempered moments with your peace, patience, and self-control. Forgive me for the times that I have acted a fool. Let us not be provoked by the little offenses. Allow us to quickly offer grace instead of wrath. May we be a blessing to our family, friends, co-workers, and strangers by the way we love. It’s only in your strength that it’s possible. In Jesus’ name, amen.
4 thoughts on “Road Rage”
Wow. This discussion and prayer is worth reading, sharing, and re-reading! Well done. Thanks for your honesty and wisdom!
I am so glad you are reading the blog! We sure do miss your family ⚓️
Amen. Thanks, Tyler
God bless you! ⚓️