See the Different

See the Different

Growing up in a very white neighborhood and school, I didn’t understand or see the racial tension that was surrounding us. Being half Chinese, I felt the prejudice of being different.  Elementary school kids can be so cruel. I didn’t fit in at regular school and I certainly didn’t fit in at the Chinese school that I went to on Saturday mornings.

I learned at an early age that being “different” brings negative attention to yourself. I also learned because of that, I didn’t want any kind of attention on me. I’m thankful that I had many amazing friends growing up. But inside, I knew I didn’t fit. I was so awkward and insecure.  I still am!

It’s taken me many years and the gospel of Jesus to know and begin to believe that different isn’t bad.

Different is how He made me. 

When I was in middle school, I saw a movie called The Long Walk Home. Whoopi Goldberg was participating in the Montgomery bus boycott, protesting against the inequality between blacks and whites and so she wouldn’t ride the bus to get to work.

She was a nanny for Sissy Spacek’s affluent family.  The white woman, despite what her community thought and even her husband’s reservations, decides to pick her up for work every day.  It changes the relationship between these two woman. They choose to see the different…and move closer to each other. 

I don’t recall all of the details but I remember my daddy trying to calm me down on the car ride home.  I was crying hysterically. My heart was broken and my eyes were open.  It was the first time I felt that racial tension and injustice. It was always there, I just didn’t know.

I’m grateful for friends over the years that have shared their stories with me. Stories of profiling and mistreatment that have opened my eyes even more. It’s a constant journey of listening. A constant journey of asking God to show me people through His eyes. 

My friend, Ellis, and I have known each other and have done radio together for twenty years.  He has been my co-host for twelve years at Z88.3.  We spend a lot of time together…sharing life, laughing, crying (well, I’m the only one that cries), and pointing people back to the cross.  We drive each other crazy but are the best of friends. I wanted you to hear his heart and experience. 

I’m so proud of him for sharing.

I would be foolish to utter the words, “I get it!” or “I know what you are feeling.”  But, I can say, “I want to hear you.  I want to understand. I support you. I LOVE you!”

Without God’s love in the center, it will be tough to love anybody that the world sees as different.

Let’s embrace what we can learn from our differences. Let’s listen to stories so that we can gain a deeper understanding

Let us be reminded of what we have in common.  No matter what you look like or what you have been through or what your age is, we are all separated by sin.

…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 3:23

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23

I’ve been praying more than ever this week as heartache and division are evident in our community and country.   I don’t have all the answers but I’m going to keep listening.

May God open our eyes to those around us in a new way. May He allow us to listen and respond in love.  Let us stand for truth, and stand for others. 

God, help us to see the different. I pray that steps toward love would be received well.  I’m watching the enemy use the olive branch some are extending and twisting it something that’s not good enough.  Softening takes time. Steps towards the greater good is a process.  Let Your light be what shines through the cracks on the surface. Allow Your love to be what is perceived. We love you, we love people. Allow your Holy Spirit to guide us toward understanding and lasting change. It’s ONLY in Jesus’ name. Amen.

3 thoughts on “See the Different

  1. Crying (because you have rubbed off on me) and loving this piece…it may be my favorite because I can relate having an Asian child. Thank you to Ellis for being so brave and vulnerable.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I have learned so much in the past week and I want to be a part of the solution, be His light in this world and show others His character through my love.

  3. wow Ellis that is sad that you had to go through this Just because of the color of your skin . Thank You for sharing Tyler so sorry you felt you never fit in because you are a Beautiful Person , Both of you are <3

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