No Place Like Home
With life moving at such a fast pace, I am thankful for the opportunity I had this weekend to bring my girls to a little place called Coffeyville, Kansas. Coffeyville is where my daddy grew up…where the small-town life still exists.

with his little brother, Carl.
I have many memories of visiting as a child…being with my favorite aunt and uncle, and laughing with my cousins. My daddy and Uncle Carl would take us kids on a tour of all the hot spots. I loved seeing the brothers together, talking about the good ol’ days as they pointed out their childhood home and baseball field.
Nineteen years ago was the last time I took that drive down memory lane with those two amazing men. My heart misses them so much. Coffeyville isn’t the same without either one of them.
Yet, we gathered this weekend to celebrate life. My beautiful aunt turned 89 years young! I got to hug my people! (Best sister, niece, and cousins in the world.) We even met a new baby cousin for the first time. We celebrated life.

The highlight of the trip was jumping in the car for that drive back to the past. My daddy and Uncle Carl would have loved seeing the sight. Their kids and grandkids checking out the old neighborhood. Retelling their stories.

During the drive, I found an old road that my daddy and I walked down years ago. I remember it was just the two of us. He was telling me stories of his parents and how he walked on this road when he was a young boy. I knew then it was a moment I would keep with me forever. I pulled over to show my daughters this little side road and to tell them why it meant so much to me.
We started to walk and my little girl said, “l can’t believe your daddy walked on this road as a kid. I can’t believe you walked down this same road with him.” I felt so overwhelmed with the full circle thought that I was now taking that same walk with my two sweet girls. They never met him but they sure do love him.

God reminded me in that moment that the road we are on in life right now could someday be a story someone tells about your life.
That unassuming one-lane road was special because my daddy took the time to share stories with me. I shared those stories with my kids. Maybe one day they will share the stories too.
Our moments with one another matter. Our decision to move forward, even in our hurt, to celebrate life today matters.
I’m not sure when I will return to the stillness of Coffeyville, Kansas. My souls already misses it! But I know there will be a little side road and several good memories waiting for me.
Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight.
Psalm 119:35
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4 thoughts on “No Place Like Home”
Love love love this story and all of the people in it. Of course it brought tears. So thankful you girls took time to come and be present. There’s nothing like family and no place like home!
Thanks for being my people!!! I will always be thankful for our time together. Love you! ⚓️🌻
I love that you are taking the time to share Places your Dad lived and stories about him with your Girls it is important to share so they understand who their Grandpa was. I know you went for a Birthday celebration but the fact that you drove or walked around and showed them Places will mean so much more than Just saying I lived here or there without ever showing them . And how cool to have namesakes after each man <3 to remind you of them too
Thank you! It really was a special trip. I knew my girls had to be there with me! ⚓️🌻