Homeschooling Advice from the Worst Teacher
With our schools closed for a few weeks, and maybe even the rest of the year, life as we know it has changed! I have many friends feeling anxious about how this will all work!
School at home? It’s overwhelming. I’ve been a working, homeschool mom for eight years now and there are days I still feel overwhelmed. I’m praying for you and your family!
You should know, I may very well be the worst homeschooling mother there ever was. It’s possible. I earned the badge when my 12-year-old was in kindergarten. We were trying AGAIN to do school work at the kitchen table (after I had already done a morning radio show and was caring for her 2-year-old little sister) and it was not going well! My frustration level was off the chart. The kid would not listen! How was I suppose to get through assignments?

I looked into her spirited and defiant, beautiful brown eyes and shouted “I can’t do this anymore!” I stormed into my bedroom and jumped under the covers in my bed in the fetal position and cried gigantic tears! Terrible, right? She was just a baby! I felt so bad. I hugged her so tight and apologized to her and have had to many more times over the years. Both of my girls.
Homeschooling isn’t easy! There are days that will challenge the core of who you are. Days where you wonder how you will get through. Days where you question if any work will actually get done. There will be moments where you dislike your children and many more where you dislike yourself.
I’m pretty sure that I have learned more as a homeschooling momma than I have actually taught to my kids. I’m impatient, selfish, and, at times, I’m unkind when things aren’t going my way. God is continuing to do a work in me. I’ve also learned that I deeply care and that I’m willing to grow every year as I desire for my kids to grow.
I may not be the best at anything, including homeschooling, but He continues to remind me that no one on this earth loves my kids more than I do. That’s why God chose me for them.
Same with you.
God has already equipped you for this time because you have the most important quality…you love your child.
I have made the choice that homeschooling can not affect my relationship with my kids. That means asking for forgiveness. It means letting go of my schedule for the day at times to just go with the flow (which goes against everything in my controlling personality). It means making room to play and have fun together. It means a bundle of grace for me and for them.
It is only because of God’s grace for me, support from my husband, and the guidance and love from Circle Christian School, that I am somehow here.

Two well rounded and very smart young ladies who know that they are loved, by not only their imperfect mother, but by their Creator. Emma Grace is in 7th grade and Ella Jay is in the 4th grade. Watching them learn something new and being a part of that moment, makes all of the tougher moments worth it. I’m embracing every day I get to look into their beautiful brown eyes.
I refer to Galatians 6:9 often.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9
There are so many sweet, rewarding moments. So whether you are finding yourself in a new teach-at-home normal or you have been doing this for years…don’t give up. If I can do this, I’m positive, you can as well. You don’t have to be the best at it…just be present…and try to enjoy it.
Chances are our kids are gonna remember this crazy time together. You will too. Let’s make the most of it! I’m praying for you and would love to be here for you to encourage you.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.
Colossians 3:23

With schedules and rhythms a bit different now, it’s a great time to refocus and help our kids do the same. Setting short term goals can be a great way to work together and celebrate accomplishments! Plus, it can help bring extra focus and order to a chaotic time. My kids enjoyed brainstorming what would be challenging and fun to work towards! If you’d like a copy of our Focus Goals sheet, just subscribe ⬇️ and we’ll send you one! 🎉 (If you’ve already subscribed, it’s in your inbox. 😉) You can print it out and set goals with your kids! I’m praying for you in this sweet time that God has given us! ⚓️

One thought on “Homeschooling Advice from the Worst Teacher”
Hi Tyler!
I always look forward in reading your email.
Here in Puerto Rico we are also in lockdown. I take care of my mother full time. My niece and nephew (17 and 16) are home. They spend their time with Netflix and fornite. His is time for us to be closer to God.
So, it helps very much when you share scriptures.
God bless you and your family.
Maria Rolon