Looking Back
What has made you who you are today?
My niece got me a blanket with a logo from most of the radio stations I have worked at throughout my life. Oh, there are many! It’s one of the coolest and most thoughtful gifts I have ever been given. As I looked at the blanket, I entered a time warp. Looking back at a younger me and who I was in each of these moments in time.

Each station had a purpose. I was reminded of moments were I learned about the industry. Hard work with little pay. Dedication with no recognition. There were opportunities jumped on. Chances given. Many more times of rejection and times where I wasn’t even a consideration. People who really believed in me. And then, people whose crushing words are still with me today. A collection of incredible memories mixed in with painful hard ones.
But, they were moments that made me who I am. They were the moments that allowed me to grow. Pieces of my story that brought me to where I am today.

Sometimes it’s helpful to look back on the pieces of your past to see what God has done. He has purpose to even the harder parts of our story.
Romans 8:28 says,
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
I can look back and see His hand on even the hardest parts of my journey. Can you? When we are reminded of what He has done, we can then have peace in knowing what He will continue to do.
…He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6b
If you are hurting through the season you are now in, don’t give up. Keep looking for his guidance. He sees you. And he is working it out for your good.
God, thank you for seeing us. The pieces of our story are not a mystery to you. When we hurt and struggle and can’t find the answers, we trust in your plan. Give us wisdom and clarity today. When we forget how you have pulled us through before, remind us. Thank you for loving us. Even in the midst of struggle, may we be a blessing to you today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
4 thoughts on “Looking Back”
Loved this, so true! And loved looking back on your journey and then reminiscing on mine. Thank you!
Love you! ⚓️
Beautiful and so thoughtful. Thank you for your kind and inspiring words
Thank you for always being so sweet! ⚓️