All is Calm, All is Bright
I’m setting myself up for complete judgement and have already been told, “It’s too soon!” But my Christmas tree has been up for two weeks already. It’s not decorated but it’s the centerpiece of the front room of my home. In fact, it’s the only thing in this room.
Yes, I celebrate Thanksgiving. No, I’m not rushing Christmas. I’m enjoying joy in every moment of life that I can. And, it feels good!
Life has seemed to return to a pre-pandemic pace for my family. Homeschooling, radio, church, softball, volleyball, and theater. Our days are long. I’m feeling very aware that this busy season of life with my children will not last long. The awareness keeps me fully engaged. I end most days weary, empty of anything left to give, but with a full heart.
I’m reminded daily in the moments when I lose my cool or experience another mom or wife fail, that I can not give what I do not have.
It’s a constant back and forth of loving, serving, giving, until I hit my pillow or my breaking point. I then become my worst enemy. Helpful to no one.
If you have been there too, I’m grateful it doesn’t have to be this way.
Jesus modeled this well.
Throughout scripture we hear about crowds coming to Jesus. They heard what he could do.
Luke 5:15 – He taught, healed, and spoke God’s word. He emptied himself to others everyday.
Luke 5:16 – But, Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.
He knew He could not be all He could be for others without the Father leading and filling Him first. The same is true for us.
The world is busy, loud, and scary. Maybe your life is filled with really hard things right now. Or, like me, you feel the pull that there just doesn’t seem to be enough time for everything.
When was the last time you withdrew from the noise? Went to a quiet place to pray? A weeklong getaway to the mountains sounds amazing, but we need that break in our every day lives. Maybe it’s a few minutes each morning before the day starts to sit in silence and pray, journal, and hear God’s still small voice. Or sitting in carline for your few alone minutes and choosing to pray instead of scrolling online. Going for a walk alone to get outside and look at the sky. I believe God can use even the smallest of retreats to re-center our heart and re-fuel our souls.
For me? It’s sitting in front of a lit and undecorated Christmas tree after the kids have gone to sleep or before work when the world is still asleep. I’m reminded of Jesus, the bright light of the world. I feel His peace and calm when I take that time to pause.
All is calm, all is bright.
And it’s never too soon for that.