Back to School Letter
There are some seasons in life you don’t forget…even if you want to. Growing up can be hard, there is so much we are processing and taking in as it’s happening. One day, you stop and look back and realize that those days are what started to shape many of your passions, insecurities, and fears. Our memories became a part of our story and what we share with our kids one day.
This year our baby girls start 6th and 9th grade.
Here is a quick honest glance of those years for me.
6th grade. I remember being nervous about so much change…riding a bus for the first time and having to dress out for PE class. My school seemed huge. I was awkward and shy but had good friends.
9th grade. The start of high school! I was now in an even bigger school. I ran for freshman class president…didn’t win. I tried out for the volleyball team…didn’t make it. Rejection hurt. I also went to parties I probably shouldn’t have and I had a boyfriend. This was also the year I was invited to Young Life and really heard about Jesus for the first time.
These years are transformative.
My letter to my girls…
Emma Grace and Ella Jay,
I’m so thankful that when I look back at just portions of my story, I know that you both are already much more grounded in your faith and maturity than I was for these milestone years. It makes all the difference. Soak in this time. Make choices that you will look back on and be proud of. Take the tougher choices as lessons not your new identity. Love the people around you hard. Your family, friends, and the ones who no one else is loving. Growing up in this time has more challenges than what I dealt with. Don’t put extra pressure on yourself and let it take you over. You will get through this and we are here to help you every step of the way. Geometry class doesn’t last forever, I promise. Enjoy the fun school activities. Be engaged. Allow yourself to be a kid as you are trying to grow up. These are your memories.
By the way, Mommy stuck with volleyball and played the rest of my high school years. I also stuck with Jesus. Keep Him close. He knows what’s best for you. He loves you more than I do. He has given you both so many gifts. Use them for His glory. And, never forget that whatever is happening in this moment , He has a plan for you. Be His light wherever you go. Praying for you always.
Jeremiah 29:11