
Over the weekend, we went through all of the Valentine’s Day cards and treats that my 4th grader received in class. She felt so loved. I remember those days…the ones where I was forced to give a Valentines to even the bully in my class. Everyone was included, everyone felt “loved”.
The rules change when you get a little older. My other daughter is in 7th grade and at her school you can buy a flower to be delivered to a classmate. She was surprised and ecstatic that she received a couple of flowers from different friends. I asked her why it made her so happy. She said, “well, it’s pretty but it also feels good to know I’m loved.”
On some level, I believe that desire is in each of us. We were made to be loved and to love. It feels so good! The times when I feel loved by someone, it propels me to show them love even more.
But what if we aren’t getting the outward love, flowers, or attention from someone…maybe anyone…is it possible to feel loved? What if you are the kid in school that didn’t get a Valentine? Or you struggle as an adult to have real friendships. For some, it’s a lonely marriage, or the ache to find their perfect mate, that leaves them feeling unloved. There are those past hurts and ways someone chose to treat us that can leave marks of hurt forever. There are those of us with the constant angst, knowing a part of our heart is already in heaven. Some of us are even dealing with constant physical pain on earth. Is it possible to feel loved in the midst of loneliness, pain, and depression?
Enter in the greatest Love, our Creator, the One who knows what your emptiness might feel like and the One who can fill us with something more satisfying than flowers or candy.
This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.
I John 4:9
He gave Jesus. For you. For me. You are wanted. You are accepted. You are invited! It’s an unconditional love that promises to never leave you or forsake you…a love that isn’t based on anything you have or haven’t done. It isn’t based on how others see you but one that is true and real and trustworthy…an extraordinary gift waiting to be received.
God created you! He chose you. Even in the hardest parts of your story, He still chooses you. I need the reminder often. He wholly loves us in a holy way like no other person or thing can. I’m learning that when I look to others to fill the void and empty spaces in my heart, I am left with an even bigger void sometimes. But in the times I turn to Him, there is a real hope for peace, healing, and joy. When we experience His love, things change and we are then able to show love to others.
We love because he first loved us.
I John 4:19
I’m praying for you and for what you might be walking through. I’m praying my words would be a personal Valentine from my heart to yours. Mostly, I pray that in the moments in life where we feel isolated and lonely that we would quickly be reminded of a Father who deeply loves.

One thought on “Wanted”
Love this post, great thoughts for all to read and take to heart! Hugs and Love to you and yours!