New Memory
This Christmas season went by so quickly. I hope that you were able to slow down enough to enjoy the moments. There was less time between Thanksgiving and Christmas this year and I felt it. There were several things I didn’t do. We didn’t send out Christmas cards or put lights up on the outside of the house. There was an unexpected freedom from those choices. A freedom I want to bring into the new year. Do less and be okay with it.
My new found freedom however hit a wall of emotion on Christmas Eve. I was driving to meet my husband and sister’s family at church with my 10 and 12-year-old daughters in the car when Karen Carpenter came on the radio. Her haunting voice immediately brought tears to my eyes. In an instant, I was missing my daddy. The Carpenter’s music always reminds me of him. Many things remind me of him…like the smell of a newspaper, any kind of anchor (he was in the Navy most of his life), and of course, sunflowers. He grew up in Kansas, home of the sunflower. They surrounded me on my wedding day when he couldn’t. They have surrounded me on many tough days throughout the years.
This was our 19th Christmas without daddy. Every year I try to do something that would honor him or make him a part of the moment we all open presents. Last year, I made a copy of his journal for my mom, sister, and niece. Watching them receive such a special gift is a moment I won’t forget. It almost becomes a new memory of him. I realized this year, I had no special gift. I had no moment planned that would bring him into all we were celebrating. My tears were of guilt. I had nothing. My sweet girls, who never met their grandfather, sat in the backseat of my car and listened to me. They let me cry. They let me hurt and they told me they loved me.
One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is the willingness to listen and maybe even have compassion for where they are.

Later that night we gathered at my mom’s house to open presents and there were many wonderful gifts to unwrap. Emma Grace, my oldest, collectively received over 100 scrunchies for her hair from everyone! (So not necessary! 😂) My youngest, Ella Jay, opened a mini claw machine. (Her dream come true!) The whole family was blessed and showered with love. It was a sweet time.

After the last present was opened, Emma Grace took my hand and walked me to the front door. She said, “Mommy, there is still one more gift.” She escorted me out to the driveway and on the windshield of my car was an amazing bouquet of sunflowers! I burst into tears! My sweet girl worked it out with her dad to surprise me. I still can’t believe she thought to do that. It was a moment I know I will never forget. A new memory of my daddy this Christmas thanks to the heart of my child.
This year, I learned that you don’t always have to be the one to make the moments. Sometimes God just wants you to enjoy them.

14 thoughts on “New Memory”
Oh my goodness Crying my eyes out what a LOVELY SWEET Gift from your daughter she has such a Giving spirit & loving heart & your right we don’t always have to create the moment we need to be part of it . May God Bless your moments in 2020 !!!! Thanks for sharing this personal Story with us Blessings sweet Friend , love in Christ Sue T.
She is so special! I hope you had a nice Christmas! Come see us soon ⚓️🌻
I loved reading your blog about your Christmas this year. It is encouraging to hear others who have trouble getting everything done. So much pressure, we put on ourselves instead of just giving it to God and letting Him take care of things. May God richly bless you and your family this year. I have a couple grand children (21 and 22) who have gone astray. Please join me in praying for them to come to His throne in 2020. I pray that they will be convicted of their sin and come to Jesus for salvation through confession and repentance. Thank you. To God be the Glory. ❤️
It would be an honor to pray for your grandkids! God bless you! ⚓️🌻
Thank you for sharing the sweetness of your Christmas. My sister, my oldest brother and myself lost a brother unexpectedly this past February. We were dreading this holiday season without him. My 30 year old daughter surprised me, her aunt and now her one uncle with such an amazing gift of remembrance of him by gifting us each a viewfinder with a disc of 7 special pictures of him. I know he was with us just as your daddy is with you daily.
May your new year continue to be filled with the amazing and awesome grace of our Father God. You are such an encouraging and inspiring child of God! Thank you Tyler ❤️
Oh, Janet! What a special gift you were given! I’m thankful for your new memory this year! God bless you! ⚓️🌻
Oh my. I’ve written the same post three different times, in three different ways. I’m just glad to have people in my life with whom I can celebrate the joy of the Lord each day. I’m thankful for all the simple gifts we receive each day. The smaller the gesture, the larger the prize. “They” say saying “I’m blessed” is overused, but I know this simple phrase fits my life. I am sure it is fitting for all of us, too. 🙂
You are blessed!!! We both are!! Happy New Year! ⚓️🌻
This was my first Christmas without my mom. She passed on August 5th. My dad passed on September 25, 1991 almost 28 years earlier. Mmm y husband and I went to the cemetary and spent time with them. Reading your blog has brought tears to my eyes because I realuze it doesn’t matter how recent or how long ago, the pain of the loss is still there.
So thankful your daughter got the beautiful sunflowers for you.
I’m sure this year was so surreal and painful for you. You are loved. You are not alone! ⚓️🌻
So beautiful, Tyler! Your daddy would be so proud of your girl. 💗🌻
Thank you! Love you! ⚓️🌻
So honored and proud to be your sister! Love you!
Your blog is always so very touching. Thank you for taking the time to share this with us. The holidays are so very special and everyone has a part of the holidays that cannot be the way we want them. This particular holiday season was more focused on my faith my church and my love for Jesus than it probably ever has been. I am so grateful for people like you in my life to share this life with.