Moment in Time
Every now and then, I’m transported back in time to a moment of my childhood. It could be a smell or a song or even a feeling and suddenly I can see her. That awkward but sweet, little, half-Chinese girl who had the weight of the world on her shoulders. I have vivid memories of the actual moment my daddy let go of the bike and allowed me to ride on my own for the first time. It was terrifying and exciting! I was wobbly but I didn’t fall. I can feel it.
I remember the heat on my face and what I was wearing on that 5th grade day I had to recite a poem in front of the class and my biggest crush was sitting in the third row. I bombed it and was humiliated. I can feel it. (I still remember every word to that poem.)
There are memories etched into my heart forever. A collection of really tough and truly amazing moments that have made me who I am today.
Something happens as you get older. Time seems to go by faster. Moments turn into years. I’m the mommy now, with a kid already taller than I am! The childhood me is long gone. I struggle with the constant pull of how fast things are moving. I want time to slow down, yet I’m in constant planning mode. Always looking ahead. God is bringing me to a beautiful place of just being. Savoring the moments.

We recently went to NYC to see the big Christmas tree! My husband, Thomas, is a mastermind at finding amazing travel deals and so we were able to make a quick, two-night trip work. NYC around Christmas is magical.
My highlight was ice skating in Central Park. I have always dreamed of being there. Thomas watched as our 10 -year-old, Ella Jay, and 12-year-old, Emma Grace, not-so-little-anymore girls went around this amazing outdoor rink with mommy. Christmas music was blaring and we kept moving to stay warm. We wobbled around and giggled. The three of us held hands as we skated around and around. My youngest even found a way to make a snowball from the rink and throw it at her sister. We watched families having the time of their lives and knew this was a special time for us. We couldn’t stop. Just one more time around turned into fifteen more.

I told the girls to close their eyes for a second and to remember this. Remember the smell, the sounds, the cool air, and how happy you feel right now. We etched this moment in our hearts forever. I told them, you may one day come back to this place with your husband and your own kids and you will remember our special day together. You will look back and feel it.
God gives us moments to savor. Let’s not miss them today!
God, help us slow down enough to enjoy the moments. Help us find time every day to see what you are doing. Allow us to be present with you and one another. We were never designed to be non-stop. Give us an awareness when we are. Guide us to a renewed place of just being. We love you! In Jesus name.

2 thoughts on “Moment in Time”
OK this one was so timely for me with V’s B-day today. Time is flying! This morning before she woke up, I sat outside her bedroom door praying for her and thanking God for her life. This could become a whole blog in itself so I will wrap it up and say…I am trying to do more resting and soaking up these moments in life.
Love this so much!!