Joy in the Waiting

Joy in the Waiting

It has been a long week in central Florida! We all prepared as a category 5 hurricane was coming our way after devastating the Bahamas. Stores were running out of water.  There were lines at the gas stations.  Lines to get sand bags. And then we waited! And waited.

It’s in the waiting where I usually find out where my heart is.   Waiting for anything, gives me anxiety.  The unpredictability of a storm coming closer made me crazy. I tried to control all I could. I got sand bags, water, food, and prepared our hurricane supply kit.  When all was ready, I still had to wait.  

I realized how uncomfortable and fearful I was about this storm, how I can so easily go to this negative place with any change or any storm. The fear was winning over my trust in God.  It’s my go-to reaction, and its no longer okay. 

I decided as we prepared, we are gonna find joy in the waiting. It was a choice. 

My 9 year old went back with me to get more sandbags. This time we made it a game and raced each other. We offered to help others and made some new friends. It started pouring rain and we continued shoveling as fast as we could.  We were soaking wet and filthy! We about laughed until we cried.  Joy in the waiting. 

School was canceled because of the storm. The weather wasn’t perfect but my husband said, “let’s go to Disney”! Short lines, rain ponchos, happy little girls, and 12,000 steps on my tracker! Joy in the waiting. 

I set up our “safe room” in my closet in case of severe weather. Stocked with blankets, games, and the kids’ own flashlights in case power went out. I’m on lockdown at my radio station during hurricanes and my girls were getting sad that I wasn’t gonna be there if they needed to use this space. So, the three of us snuggled on the floor of the closet and we watched a movie in the dark together…we even found a place for the cat.  Joy in the waiting.  

Joy in the waiting was great for my soul! It was trusting God with things I can’t control and it was the perfect appetizer to prepare our hearts to have  joy in the middle of the actual storm! 

Our community made it through the storm unscathed. We thank God as we pray for the Bahamas and the Carolinas and for the many whose lives are changed forever by this storm.  Our mission is now to help these hurting communities.  

Storms affect each of us differently. They look different, too. Sometimes it’s a diagnosis, losing a loved one, or a job. Sometimes it’s a powerful hurricane.  I’m learning we can’t stop the storm but we can find joy as we wait. Joy as we endure the hard stuff. Joy in the one that will get us through it. 

He can be trusted. 

Be joyful in hope. Patient in affliction. Faithful in prayer.  
Roman’s 12:12

2 thoughts on “Joy in the Waiting

  1. This is one of your best ones only because of the reminder to find joy & try not to be scared your examples were Great I am so Happy everyone is ok & yes now we need to help in any way we can even if Prayers are all we can do

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