Daddy’s Little Girl

Do you ever think back to being a kid and get flashes of moments in time? I was in middle school and as my birthday approached my daddy took me to the Service Merchandise store to pick out a few things. I remember putting a chalk board and colored chalk in the cart. As we started to walk by the jewelry counter, I knew what I wanted. It was a “Daddy’s Little Girl” charm I had seen many times before. I will never forget what he said, “you don’t want to wear that thing! You don’t want to be known for that!” My daddy really had an amazing sense of humor. He bought me the charm and I wore it like it was my label! It really did make him smile.
It hurts to miss him today. It hurts to not hear his laugh. It’s been almost nineteen years since I’ve hugged him and it still deeply hurts.
Anyone else walking around with a deep wound that doesn’t seem to heal? Loss? Betrayal? Heartache? It’s an interesting balance to move through life while a part of your heart is forever changed.
Father’s Day is always a tough one for me. Today I will stop at Oviedo Veterans Tribute, where my daddy’s name was added a few years ago. I like to go there to reflect and pray. Sometimes I just talk to daddy.

Today I will also honor my husband who is a great father to our kids. Life moves forward. This is their time to make memories with their daddy like I have. It’s their “when I was a kid” moments. I don’t want to taint those because of my hurt.
I always struggle with that balance. Do I…
1. Lock myself up in my room and cry all Father’s Day?
2. Throw a celebration for my husband!
Most years I fumble and have moments of emotional disaster. I really do want my husband to know he is loved and appreciated. I’m still learning.
While I am missing the Daddy that made me who I am, I am pressing into my heavenly daddy who loves me and knows every tear I cry. He knows my hurt and my intentions. Most of all, he knows I’m weak. I don’t have to pretend. I don’t have to be strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says…
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
When I can boast, embrace, except, declare my weakness, it is in that space where we can experience rest! I am beyond weak. I am desperately craving rest. Maybe you are too? I would love to be praying for you.

My stop at the veterans memorial today is a reminder of the amazing daddy I had and the joy of loving and learning from him for so many years. My girls are a reminder of the life I still need to fully live as I honor their father.
What a joy to be known as daddy’s little girl.
God, take my weakness today and be my strength. There are areas of my heart that are empty. Areas that hurt. Fill those spaces with your spirit and your strength. We lean into you. Thank you on this Father’s Day for being a father we can trust. One who corrects and guides us. Draw us close to you. Remind those of us who hurt, that you have not left us. We thank you and love you! In Jesus name.
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9 thoughts on “Daddy’s Little Girl”
Tyler, thanks for sharing Your heart with us it is hard to loss Your dad You were so young & your Kids missed out on a Grandpa , But You are a Part of him & you can Your kids a Part of him so he is always with you it’s ok to Miss Him he’s your Dad Lucky now your girls are old enough to understand your loss so share with them about him . tell them something he like to do them them something he Hated to do Keep him alive by the stories you share <3 and Your Girls are now old enough to Now let them Plan something fun with their Daddy that maybe just they do giving you a few hours to reflect alone on Your Dad then You can all come back together For a Meal or dessert to Honor Thomas Good Luck , and remember Your Daddy live on in You <3 Sue
Thank you! I needed this today!
Oh Man I wish Could delete the top comment . can should be Gave, and the last part should read Your girls are now old enough to let them Plan something fun to do with their Daddy . and You’re daddy LIVES on in you .
Yes. That’s all I have. This is the first year without mine. 5 months, 20 days. It is a dance. A balancing act. He was the whole sky to me. Leaning in close to Jesus.
I’ve been thinking about you ⚓️
My father was everything to me, as a little girl I had to say goodbye. Then mom married again and again, they were not him. Later in life I got to be around him and that was wonderful. But I made sure that the man I chose would never let that happen. I found a wonderful father to our son and I completely understand how very important father figures are. Our God the father is the only one who can complete me. His Grace is sufficient.
This is beautiful sweetie. God is always at work! ⚓️