My Special Treasure

Today my baby turns twelve! I’m feeling all the feels.
I’ve cried today thinking about the first time I held Emma Grace in the hospital. Her big brown eyes looking up at me with total dependence. Where has the time gone? When she was little, we would walk around the neighborhood and she would reach up to hold my hand. She would wave and blow kisses at neighbors and animals with the other hand. She is now 5’6″ and taller than I am.
I’ve laughed today thinking about how such a little girl could change me so much. While I was so fixated on teaching and raising her right, God was growing and changing me because of her and her little sister.
Mostly, I have smiled today at how God, through His grace and mercy, has allowed us to watch such an incredible little girl grow into a sweet and kind pre-teen.
I have made many mistakes. Please, tell me we all have, right? It’s a part of growth. It’s a part of learning. It’s a part of surrendering and asking God for help. I find peace in knowing that, although I’m far from perfect, God chose me for these little girls.
I continue to ask my kids for forgiveness when I lose it. I often tell them they are special and created for a purpose. I beg God daily to give me wisdom in raising them. Despite my weaknesses, and maybe even because of them, my little girls know they are loved by our Creator and by their family. Some days it’s the only thing I know to teach them.
Whether it’s children, a job, or caring for aging parents…God has entrusted us with treasures. Treasures made by Him for you for this time. I want to be intentional with those gifts…in the everyday and even in the tough moments. I’m reminded today, as I look at my birthday girl, of how fast it goes.
Even though she no longer has to reach up for my hand, she still holds it. I’m grateful to be walking along side one of my greatest treasures, Happy birthday, Emma Grace. You are loved.

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13 thoughts on “My Special Treasure”
Beautiful blog. Happy 12th birthday Emma Grace! Love u
We love you ⚓️
Tyler , This is beautiful and we must enjoy the treasures God has given us each day . Happy 12th Birthday Emma Grace you are truly a Treasure to those who love & know you. & Tyler you are one of my Treasures <3 Sue
Thank you! So sweet ! Love you ⚓️
Tyler , love this Photo too
The one where she is little makes me tear up 😩⚓️
Wonderful read, Emma Grace is so lucky to have you!
I’m so blessed to have her! Praying for you today ⚓️
Beautifully said! Hope Emma Grace had a wonderful birthday. She is a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
She had a great birthday! She wanted to work. Shes an actress at The Holy Land Experience. 🙂 family dinner tonight ⚓️
Thank you for the reminder ❤️ You are a blessing to me Tyler!
Love you,
Thank YOU! Love you! ⚓️
Happy Birthday to your sweet Emma Grace! Hugs!